On general principles and to clarify the opinions that follow, it is never my intention to make you believe something, only to present the information and let you be the judge.
For regular readers of mine, this may seem like a contradiction, as I have stated in the past “this is the truth”, about several things, a statement I now wish to amend, where ever it appears in my writing.
I say this now, because it occurs to me that way too much “belief” is being trotted out as “the truth”, a practice which has throughout the ages, been used to deceive and control entire populations. Much of the “New Age” publishing network (to which I suppose I am unintentionally aspiring), gains it’s following by exploiting that fine line between truth and belief, ironically creating a community that defines itself as free thinking, but really is more cult-like in nature.
It’s not hard to understand why. Belief is much easier. By believing, one can fall back on and be supported by a world view that others have created. Believers don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”, they can tap into a matrix that has been accepted by thousands of others as “the truth” and feel secure that their path is the righteous one, as it is shared by so many “like-minded” individuals.
Regardless of what happens in life, there is already a convenient explanation to provide solace for the believer. So comforting is this system of beliefs, it must be defended at all cost, because it forms the a protection that the believer uses to shield them from the pain of having to overturn all their preconceived notions and self deception, when life’s often confusing and frustrating situations present themselves.
Belief also satisfies the often desperate need for community and camaraderie. By believing in a particular set of ideas, one who might otherwise feel self conscious and misunderstood, suddenly “fits in”. The immediate availability of meetings, retreats, chatrooms, book clubs and other events serve to hold this disparate community together and reinforce the integrity of it’s belief-based infrastructure.
Truth-Seekers, on the other hand travel a much more solitary path. For this type of individual, belief takes on a completely different meaning. That being “whatever conclusion his current level of understanding has led him to”. The Truth-Seeker embodies open-mindedness, as he or she is willing to allow their conclusions to be amended or even overturned if verifiable evidence indicates the necessity to do so. They are not attached to a particular mindset, but rather remain in constant pursuit of that illusive singularity: truth.
The Truth-Seekers constitution does not allow for a one-size-fits-all explanation of life’s conundrums. He believes in the power of his mind to dissect and then reassemble the elements of events and situation in his life to create clarity and thereby, provide answers. This indeed entails more work and uncertainty than the externally directed path of belief, but the truth-seeker values this process as an activity which builds character and deepens his understanding of himself and the world around him.
When one adopts an accepted point of view and ceases to evaluate those people and things that come into his life on their own merit, he stunts personal growth as well. He trades critical thinking for a virtual box that contains a predigested view of humanity, creation, the universe, even truth itself.
History is replete with examples of how this reluctance to engage in a pragmatic evaluation of the facts, en masse, becomes the momentum behind some of man’s greatest inhumanity. Nazi Germany, the Crusades, Salem Witch Trials, the Spanish Inquisition and discrimination of all kinds are shocking examples of how the systematic promulgation of a distorted belief among groups of people binds weak-minded individuals together in a sort of blind rage against an entity they have come to see as the source of all their problems.
How Does This Apply to Each of Us Individually?
When we change the focus of truth vs belief from a macro view to one that applies to your individual life experience, we can say with certainty, that knowing the truth doesn’t always lead to happiness, indeed, it may reveal unsettling realities about ourselves or relationships with others. But being denied access to that truth is a type of insidious evil that individuals, government and corporations use to control us and to promote their nefarious aspirations.
"knowing the truth doesn’t always lead to happiness"
If in fact you desire to live in the light of clarity, you must make the pursuit of truth in all your affairs an ultimate priority. Additionally, if living with integrity is a value you hold dear, you must not deny friends or family access to the truth. To control others by withholding facts or engaging in deception is cruel and may ultimately result in self harm through the course of unanticipated consequences.
Truth seeking is characterized by self reliance and flexibility in thinking. One who seeks truth is aware that their view of self, others or the world around them is malleable and amenable to change. Believers on the other hand have a rigid view of their world and their place in it. They rely on an outside entity to create and define a system of beliefs that followers must adhere to. If someone or something does not jibe neatly with this credo, it is derided, disregarded or considered a threat their status quo.
I have chosen the path of truth. It would be my wish that you would consider the merits of that choice and investigate if perhaps this is the “Rosetta Stone” through which you will interpret the often cryptic clues to your true path, that await discovery all around you .
-Shane Mathias
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