Question: There have been least 10 women who rejected me, but later said that though I am handsome, I am too shy. I am intelligent but admit I am not socially skilled. And apparently the girls I meet want a guy who is funny and projects confidence to their friends. Is my intelligence holding me back?
I am sorry to say that most of your contemporaries are sheep. You are different than a majority of the crowd… wonderful! Celebrate that rather than regretting it. True, it may currently put you at a disadvantage for hanging out with the average girl and her friends, but who cares?
Your future will be much brighter than theirs and when the smart girls begin seeing that the crowd offers nothing of value, you’ll become a hot commodity.
Focus on yourself now. Develop your character and your brain so that when the right time and the right girl come along, you’ll be prepared to soar to the heavens, leaving those sheep far behind.
I am going to extend a gift to you: a free copy of my book “The Happiness Tree”. It’s about much more than just happiness. It’s will help you stay on the path you were meant to follow.
The Happiness Tree, an Ebook by Shane Eric Mathias
Relax and enjoy. It will all work out.
Shane Eric Mathias
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