The Happiness Tree book is a fresh, new look at the "anatomy of happiness". It is not based on any religion, faith, cult, organization or unseen spiritual force. It is a practical, step by step guide that defines happiness and explains how you can create and sustain it.
It depends on you tending your "Happiness Tree" on a daily basis: Most importantly, its primary limbs Love, Health, Freedom and Purpose.
And as you do, your tree will continue to grow deeper roots and stronger branches, expanding it's canopy throughout your life and beyond. And during that process, you and you alone will be in control, empowered by the new habits and attitudes that you learn and practice along the way.
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Both Men and Women will find "Man Up"
entertaining and informative.
This fun and stimulating book will show Men how to:
•Improve their physique
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•Gain more self confidence
•Perform better in the boardroom as well as the bedroom.
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